And they said it wouldn't last! The stats gurus who run my vast multimedia empire (i.e. my wife Leah) say we had a remarkably high click rate. In addition to boosting my fragile ego, this has motivated me to crank out number 002* well ahead of schedule.
Are there more doors or wheels in the world?

As a 'public mathematician', the places I get invited to are as interesting as they are sometimes unexpected. I’m just as likely to be hosting a world-class tech guru on the future of machine learning as I am to be discussing 'are there more doors or wheels in the world?' with Fifi, Fev and Nick on Fox FM in Brisbane. Don’t believe me? Check out my thoughts on the subject here. (And I’d love to know if you’re part of Team #door or #wheel!)
The legendary Garry Kasparov

One of the greatest of joys of my career as a corporate MC was to interview Garry Kasparov, 13th World Chess Champion and probably the GOAT of this game. (Spoiler alert - he smashed me in the 10 minute dual in 2015 shown above.) As well as being a chess genius and leading thinker on artificial intelligence and the human/computer interface, Kasparov is a long-time and harsh critic of Putin. As the crisis unfolds in Ukraine I strongly recommend his words. Follow him @Kasparov63 or check out his wise words recently on ABC TV’s 7:30 Report. Stay safe, great man.
Enjoy these fascinating numerical facts about 2

The only even prime 2 is the first prime number and the only even prime. Any other even number is clearly divisible by 2. And 2 and 3 are the only consecutive prime counting numbers.

March Madness March is named after Mars, the Roman god of war and 4th planet from the sun. It was the 1st month of the year until demoted by good old King Numa Pompilius in 700BCE. He added January (Janus, god of beginnings and endings) and February (februum, purification before spring), taking the calendar year from 304 to 355 days.

Proven in 360 pages The 1910 page-turner Principia Mathematica by Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead set out to build mathematics entirely from logic. It famously took until page 360 to prove that 1 + 1 = (drum roll) 2.
Win signed copies of my books!

We're two editions in, and I’d love to know what you think of number.
Tell me what you like, don't like, or want added to future editions and go in the draw to win 1 of 5 gift packs containing signed copies of my books The Number Games, Adam Spencer's Top 100, Mini Book of Numbers and Numberland.***
Hit me up at with your thoughts by Friday 25/3 at 5pm AEDT and keep your eyes out for number 003 coming soon.
Yours in numbers,